The Social Responsibility of Psychiatry, A Statement of Orientation
A report formulated by the Committee on Social Issues (July 1950)
GAP REPORT (July 1950)
Psychiatrically Deviated Sex Offenders
A report formulated by the Committee on Forensic Psychiatry written in 1950.
Basic Concepts in Child Psychiatry
A report formulated by the Committee on Child Psychiatry written in April 1950.
GAP REPORT (April 1950)
The Position of Psychiatrists in the Field of International Relations
A report formulated by the Committee on International Relations written in April 1950.
GAP REPORT (January 1950)
Outline to Be Used as a Guide to the Evaluation of Treatment in a Public Psychiatric Hospital
A report formulated by the Committee on Cooperation with Lay Groups with a focus on mental hygiene community programs in April 1949
GAP Report (April 1949)
An Outline for Evaluation of a Community Program in Mental Hygiene
A report formulated by the Committee on Cooperation with Lay Groups with a focus on mental hygiene community programs
Statistics Pertinent to Psychiatry in the United States
A report compiled by the Committee on Hospitals with important statistical information and facts from 1949.
The Psychiatric Social Worker in the Psychiatric Hospital
A report sent by GAP to request questionnaire responses from psychiatric hospitals and their discussions on present practices and desirable changes.
Commitment Procedures
A report conducted by the Committee on Forensics Psychiatry in 1948. It collected data about the laws of each state and pointed out the undesirable features.
Report on Medical Education
A report conducted by the Committee on Medical Education of GAP summarizing a study of psychiatric education. The Committee was established as a mutual agreement made by 150 American psychiatrists to work together, to report its work to the other member for criticism and approval or disapproval of its conclusions.
Research on Prefrontal Lobotomy
A report conducted by the Committee on Research on the topic of prefrontal lobotomy written in 1948.
Public Psychiatric Hospitals
A report provided by the Committee on Hospitals summarizing the questionnaire responses received from American psychiatrists on public psychiatric hospitals.
Criminal Responsibility and Psychiatric Expert Testimony
Written by the Committee on Psychiatry and Law
Control and Treatment of Tuberculosis in Mental Health
A report formulated by the Committee on Psychopathology