Religion Committee
The Committee focuses on the intersection between psychiatry and religion.
The mission of the Psychiatry and Religion Committee is to explore the interrelationships among psychiatry, the behavioral sciences, and philosophy with religion, spirituality, and worldview (RSW) relevant to clinical, educational, and research settings. RSW concerns are important in the lives of patients, the clinicians treating them, and the community in general. The Committee holds that clinicians should be comfortable and competent in discussing these concerns. Both the public and psychiatry benefit from intentional scholarly consideration of the interface between RSW and the practice of psychiatry.
Therefore, the committee pursues a variety of educational and scholarly projects (including peer-reviewed publications, opinion and commentary articles, and public engagement) based on the interests and expertise of its members and on the information needs of the public and the profession. The committee has collaborated productively with other GAP committees and with other professional organizations and experts on topics of mutual interest.
Faith Communities and the Well-being of LGBTQ Youth
Perspectives From the Early Days of Lockdown Due to COVID-19
Bridging the gap between psychiatry and the ministry: One small step
The “Spiritual but Not Religious” and the “Nones”
Undiagnosing St Joan - She Does Not Need a Medical or Psychiatric Diagnosis
Religion and Psychiatry in the Age of Neuroscience
Can Religion Protect Against Suicide?
Members: Michael A. Norko MD, MAR (Chair), Brian Fallon MD, Salman Majeed MD, Keith Meador MD, ThM, MPH, Joseph Merlino MD, Hunter Neely MD (fellow), Jenifer Nields MD, James Phillips MD, David Saunders MD, PhD, Margaret Bishop-Baier, MD
Michael A. Norko MD, MAR (Chair)