Neuropsychiatry Committee
The Committee focuses on the intersection between psychiatry and neuropsychiatry.
The Neuropsychiatry Committee aims to educate and inspire fellow psychiatrists to integrate current neuropsychiatric knowledge into their work.
We seek to enhance neuropsychiatric literacy, including an understanding of: brain-behavior relationships, neuropsychiatric disease, and neuropsychiatric approaches to assessment and treatment of patients. In addition, we work to demonstrate how this knowledge can be applied to other medical disciplines as well as to the arts and education. Further, our committee is committed to advancing the subspecialty of Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry.
The GAP Neuropsychiatry Committee became active in 2010. Since then the committee has published the following papers:
Benjamin, S., McGillivray, L., Schildkrout, B., et al. (2018) Six Landmark Case Reports Essential for Neuropsychiatric Literacy. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 30(4), 279-29
Lauterbach, M. D., Schildkrout, B., Benjamin, S. & Gregory, M. D. (2016). The Importance of Rare Diseases for Psychiatry. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(12), 1098-1100.
Schildkrout, B., Benjamin, S., & Lauterbach, M. D. (2016). Integrating Neuroscience Knowledge and Neuropsychiatric Skills Into Psychiatry: The Way Forward. Academic Medicine, 91(5), 650-656.
Schildkrout, B., MacGillivray, L. and Lauterbach, M., 2019. Wilder Penfield and the Architecture of Collaboration. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 31(4), p.397.
Schildkrout, B., Raj, S., MacGillivray, L., Lauterbach, M.D. (2020) Photography’s Underappreciated Contributions to Neuropsychiatry: The Photographs of W. Eugene Smith in Minamata, Japan. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 208(7), 574-578.
Schildkrout, B., MacGillivray, L., Raj, S., Lauterbach, M. (2024) Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER): a Novel Neuroendocrine Condition with Psychiatric Manifestations. Harvard Review of Psychiatry. (In Press)
Members: Margo Lauterbach, Lindsey MacGillivray, Muniza Majoka, and Barbara Schildkrout (Chair)
Guest: Shreya Raj