Estimation of the Carbon Footprint Associated With Attendees of the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting
GAP Article (JAMA Network), January 28, 2021
Written by Joshua R. Wortzel, MD, MPhil; Alec Stashevsky, BA; Jeremy D. Wortzel, MPhil; Beth Mark, MD; Janet Lewis, MD; Elizabeth Haase, MD

Pharmacogenomic Testing in Psychiatry: Ready for Primetime?
GAP ARTICLE (FEBRUARY 2020) The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Written by: The Committee on Psychopharmacology (Gopalkumar Rakesh, MD,* Calvin R. Sumner, MD,† Jeanne Leventhal Alexander, MD, ABPN, FRCPC, FAPA, FACPsych,‡ Lawrence S. Gross, MD,§ Janet Pine, MD,§ Andrew Slaby, MD,|| Amir Garakani, MD,}# and David Baron, MSEd, DO**)
Public Psychiatric Hospitals
A report provided by the Committee on Hospitals summarizing the questionnaire responses received from American psychiatrists on public psychiatric hospitals.
Criminal Responsibility and Psychiatric Expert Testimony
Written by the Committee on Psychiatry and Law
Control and Treatment of Tuberculosis in Mental Health
A report formulated by the Committee on Psychopathology